it's 07 days in 2008. another hectic year, i presume. with all the new things planned, dari hal-hal office, to my personal plans. macam-macam nak fikir and to organise. haihhh!! thinking and planning all those made me even more tired than ever.
2007 just left me behind..macam2 pahit manis berlaku last year..change keje , dapat beli umah ngan duit sendiri , banyak masa ngan family , dapat beli laptop sendiri ngan duit sendiri , tahun pertama pemergiaan abah , krisis besar yg merubah totally my life dan banyak lagi..
yg penting..kenal si dia..namun hubungan tu tak berkekalan walaupun kitorang dah cuba mengekalkan hubungan yang ada.many things have happened. sad ones. nice ones. heart-breaking ones. happy ones. it's all in a package. something that i couldn't resist. kadang-kadang,rasa susah nak terima kenyataan.biar bertahun pun, it's pretty hard to accept solution for me, apa yang aku buat is denial. deny apa yang dah sememangnya fakta.apa yang sememangnya dah terjadi.if i can turn back time.i wish i could.and today, something has hit me hard. macam baru terjaga dari lena yang panjang. realiti ni susah ah aku nak terima. pedihnye.i watched this movie kelmarin.wif one of my collegue. national treasure2 :book of secret. memang lawak. first few sentences pun dah buat aku tergelak besar. and cerita nih, if you get the joke, you'll get it. kalau tak faham, then you'll be quiet when everybody's laughing like hell. heheheh...
well..sampai cni je dulu..jumpe lagi nanti ngan citer yg besh besh je....daaaaa
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